What is Your Superpower?

Getting Comfortable with Claiming Your Light

Sam Scribes
Modern Women
5 min readApr 21, 2023


Image by Kaboompics; Free to use

Now that in-person networking events are back in full force, I’ve been doing some reading to understand how to be a better contributor at networking events. As somewhat of an introvert, I used to get so anxious at the thought of networking events, and nothing was worse than being forced to talk to a room full of strangers, all there to talk to each other!

However, as a business owner and creator, I know that spreading the word about what I do is the only way to grow my business. With that being said, I want to be a contributor at networking events and hope that whoever I encounter at least walks away feeling like they also got something out of our encounter.

I recently shared my dilemma about networking events with my mentor, and she threw the ball back in my court with the question:

What is your superpower?

A simple yet complex question at the same time. Rather than X-Ray vision or the ability to shoot laser beams from your hands(?), your superpower is the thing that makes you incredibly valuable, and it is the essence of you. Perhaps that makes it so hard to articulate because our superpower is something we do every day without noticing it.

We, women in particular, have been conditioned to keep our heads down, be humble, and not be a braggart. If you’re Aussie, there is also the Tall Poppy Syndrome, where success is resented, ridiculed and criticised.

However, I’d like to shift this mindset because sharing your superpower is not bragging. Your superpower forms your elevator pitch to a person you’ve never met, and it is a summary of the essence of you and the value you bring to the world. It is a gift, and it is excellent!

In the past, I would cringe whenever I had to talk about myself. This even translates to my body language, where I would feel myself hunch just a little, shrinking into myself. Despite my heart yearning to chime in a conversation or introduce myself to someone interesting, I would be a wallflower.

After 12 months of working with my leadership coach, where we delved deeper into some of the mindsets I’ve been ingrained with since I was a child, I’ve gradually discovered my confidence and developed a curiosity in how I would like to show up in this world. I’ve developed the confidence to discuss my strengths and what I do well.

These are my superpowers:

  1. I am an efficient and empathetic communicator.
  2. I am great at dissecting and organising information to provide clarity via communications.
  3. I am great at finding strategic methods to achieve desirable outcomes in a fraction of time and energy.
  4. I am intellectually curious with a broad interest.

However, like Superman, I, too, have my kryptonite. Here are my downfalls:

  1. I get excited by a new project and often struggle to maintain momentum (big, shiny object syndrome)
  2. I sometimes process my thoughts as I verbalise them, resulting in senseless rambling.
  3. I tend to conform to “group think” when in a group situation, even though my good sense tells me otherwise.

If you are feeling a bit lost and wonder how to discover your superpower, here are a couple of tips (there are only two!):

  1. Pay attention and be receptive to compliments; I struggled to accept compliments or praise for most of my adult life. It was only when I started paying attention and listening to what my clients, peers and stakeholders said about my work that I picked up the words they used about my work and myself. I used those words as a reference point to discover and frame how I describe my superpower.
  2. What are your values, and how do you deliver those values? For me, efficiency is high on my values list, and I am great and developing systems to ensure I maintain my efficiency. Keeping a bullet and guided journal at some time helped me discover my behaviour patterns and approach to doing things.

Although I worked with a leadership coach, I sought some books that gave me the confidence to own my space and superpowers.

  1. Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life by Héctor García and Francesc Miralles (Author)
  2. Chill and Prosper by Denise Duffield-Thomas

Note: these are not paid or affiliate links. They’re just good books I want to recommend.

Both the books listed above have been tremendous and affirming in helping me discover what makes me better and what triggers the worst in me. Denise’s book, Chill and Prosper, was a great read because it helped me realise that it’s okay to want to make money and that money is not crude or distasteful! That rewiring of my mindset, in turn, extends beyond the financial sense into my contributions and being brave to own the space I am in, wherever this might be.

Honestly, I feel so liberated now. After the first time I did my elevator pitch, weaving in my superpowers, I felt so light and walked out of the room just a bit taller. I feel in control of how I want to show up. The more I do it, the more confident I am walking into a room full of strangers knowing the values I can bring to the table amongst all the other brilliant minds. If, like me, you struggle to share your superpower with the world, my experience and some of the tools I share here will help you step into your light.

This piece is inspired by Modern Women’s April Writing Prompt.

I’m a communicator and creator via different mediums. I help business owners communicate their brand values and products via my freelance agency, Sincere Copy. I also share ways to create thoughtful marketing to create meaningful conversations on my podcast Sincerely Yours, publishing new episodes every second Monday. I’m a mum to a rambunctious three-year-old. When I’m not creating, I’m living out my farm life fantasy on Stardew Valley.



Sam Scribes
Modern Women

Hello! I'm Sam, a creator, communicator and lifelong learner. Passionate about storytelling via various medium. This is my world of words.