Whatever challenge you are facing, you will overcome it

Believe me, you are stronger than you think.

Modern Women
3 min readSep 16, 2024


Photo by Michael Rosner-Hyman on Unsplash

What was your biggest fear when you were a kid?

For me, it is gymnastic classes. I was not an athletic kid at all. I was quite short and fat. One semester we did high jump. That was the worst. I couldn’t jump over the bar. My teacher had to lower it for me. I still couldn't do it. He lowered it again for me, and I tried to jump over it again and again in front of the whole class. Before each gymnastic class, I couldn't sleep, and I had nightmare literately.

Somehow I went through it. It might be obvious now that a kid would work through her 7th grade, but it wasn’t like that for me at that time. 15 years later I still remember my terror vividly.

That was what I kept reminding myself every time I struggled. The jumping bar used to be my biggest fear when I was 13. I thought there was no way I could deal with it, but I did. So I could deal with other things. Just another jumping bar.

Photo by Pedro de Sousa on Unsplash

Until I lost my job. And broke up with my boyfriend. At the same time. When I was in the UK on a short term visa, 6,230 miles from my family in Vietnam.

I got a waitress job to support myself financially and applied for official job when I didn’t have shift. I worked 6 days/week. It was quite costly to survive in London, you know. We closed the restaurant at 11pm, then I would catch the 11:30pm tube to go home. It was winter time, freezing and rainy. I sat in a corner, looked outside the dark tunnel, had no idea when these days would end.

The thought of the jumping bar couldn’t help me that time.

There was only one thing I kept telling myself everyday.

I will survive.

Physically, I mean. I was working, so I had money to pay my rent and buy food. And since I was alive, I would keep fighting. I knew that. Each morning when I woke up, I thought ‘Let’s try one more day’. In the end of the day, I told myself ‘Thank you for not giving up today’.

It took me 150 tries. After 5 months, I got a job offer. Within two months, my net savings from that job matched what I earned in five months at the restaurant.

If you are struggling, let me give you a hug and a pat on your back. You are doing great. YOU. ARE. DOING. GREAT. I am not gonna lie and say everything will be fine soon. It might not be soon. You might receive a good news tomorrow, or you might fail a few more times before reaching somethings. We don’t know what future holds. But there is one thing I know: You are not giving up. No matter what life is throwing at you, you are not giving up. Therefore, you will get somewhere. When you get there, you will see all of your efforts are worth it. Believe me.

