What’s in it for you?

Feel at home in your body, calm in your mind, and inspired to make an impact

Jen Wilking
Modern Women


Forest in winter with a snowy path illuminated by the sun
Photo by Timothy Eberly on Unsplash

How’s your body feeling?

Mine turned 50 this year and got thrown for a loop by an appendectomy that went sideways. The physical practice of yoga is improving my strength, balance, and flexibility. I’m grateful to be back on my mat and teaching again.

In my early thirties, I fell in love with an athletic style of yoga, and back then, I wasn’t looking for anything beyond the physical. After a while, I started to notice the mental benefits. I was clearer, calmer, kinder.

What started as a workout became a physical, mental, and spiritual practice that continues to evolve. The really good stuff started to accumulate when I began to meditate. Meditation is a filter for the noise, and my noise is plentiful.

How about you? Is it noisy up there? Do you feel overwhelmed by what you’ve been through, what’s continuing to unfold, and what’s ahead?

If you want to feel more at home in your body, I recommend yoga. If you want to filter the noise, add meditation.

If you long to hear your own wisdom and make an impact — starting with how you feel about yourself, your friends and family, and the work that’s yours to do, join me for Into the Deep.



Jen Wilking
Modern Women

Yoga & meditation teacher, physical therapist | Feel at home in your body, calm in your mind, & inspired to make an impact | https://jenwilking.com/