When My Best Friend Reappeared After Ghosting Me for Years

Is it best to let bygones be bygones or to resolve past wounds?

June Kirri
Modern Women


Photo by Omar Lopez on Unsplash

Last year, I received a message on my Facebook that made me anxious. It was my ex-best friend, *Valerie — someone I had known nearly two decades ago in college but never wanted to see again.

Her chirpy message suggesting we meet up left me with dread. “Hey, I’m thinking of going to Chiang Mai,” she wrote, “love to see you.” My first reaction was a clenched throat.

Then my stomach fluttered. My heart beat faster. Years of repressed emotions welled up in my eyes. As I blinked, they fell on my keyboard like an IV drip.

The friendship that was meant to last forever

Movies depict women's friendships as an unbreakable sacred sisterhood, like in Thelma and Louise, where two best friends escape their mundane life in pursuit of adventure only to drive off the Grand Canyon.

Before that grand finale, Thelma had shot a man to death for raping her, and the police were after her. Louise could have easily ratted on her to save herself, but she sticks by her friend.

Like Thelma and Louise, we were supposed to stand the test of time. Although our friendship didn’t end so…



June Kirri
Modern Women

🇯🇵🇳🇵🇺🇸 in 🇩🇪 | Publisher of Bitchy & The Point of View | Ex- journalist & magazine editor I Feminism, women, & motherhood | https://linktr.ee/junekirri