Where Do You Reside in the Story of Your Life?

Self-Discovery within Your Narrative

Modern Women


Photo by Eduardo Casajús Gorostiaga on Unsplash

Like all aspiring writers, I ensure that I have a notebook and pencil in my bag at all times. Flashes of inspiration can strike at odd hours, and I don’t trust my memory; it’s unreliable these days.

On one such occasion, my son and I were having coffee in the morning when I had an urge to note down some of my thoughts. My son noticed my act of reaching for my notebook, but he focused his interest on my choice of writing implement rather than the contents of my notes.

“Mom, why don’t you use a pen?” he asked.

I gingerly responded, “I think I make enough mistakes to want the ability to erase them. And I write enough that I want to not have to worry about running out of ink.”

Amidst the abundance of modern implements, there’s a certain satisfaction in taking a notebook and jotting down your thoughts. There’s a tranquil sensation that accompanies the act of writing.

A pen nib wirting on a paper
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Why do I favor pencils over pens?

Well, they are reminiscent of a much simpler time. In our formative years, we’re handed a…



Modern Women

Entrepreneur, Mom, Wife, Daughter—Pausing to Recharge, Reflect, and Reinvent. Finding solace in self-expression through my writings. https://ko-fi.com/dee1208