Why Are Women Running Away From Marriage?

The End of Matrimony As We Know It?

Shruti Bhattacharya
Modern Women
Published in
4 min readAug 30, 2024


Photo by Stephen Harlan on Unsplash

There’s nothing new in the fact that women in the 17th century were treated as second class citizens. They had no voting rights, limited property rights, were denied basic education and were expected to succumb to the whims and fancies of their husbands; in short give in to patriarchal authority.

Here’s an example of the same:

‘Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands,

as unto the Lord, for the husband is the head of the wife;

even as Christ is the head of the church… therefore as the church is subject

to Christ, so let wives be subject to their husbands in everything.’

Ephesians 5.22–24

Whenever the topic of women’s rights is raised, we usually cull out examples from the past. But why go so far, when such examples exist in modern times?

Domestic violence is not a new thing. It has existed in the past, and it continues to exist till date. Maybe it was better for society to not have working women. If that were the case, then at least their trauma could’ve been restricted to their homes only, and not extended to their workplace.



Shruti Bhattacharya
Modern Women

Ghostwriter | I write blogs & scale brands on social media on behalf of busy founders with my content strategies | Author | Podcaster | shrutibmusic@gmail.com