Why Gen Z Is Ditching Colleges For Trade Schools!

They Aren’t Lazy, They’re Just Practical AF

Neela 🌶️
Modern Women
Published in
8 min readJun 6, 2024


Photo by Giacomo Lucarini on Unsplash

On the sun-drenched islands of Trinidad, a child’s future was often predetermined by the high school they attended — a high-stakes game where prestigious institutions were seen as the only path to success. Failure to gain entry at one of these elite schools could brand a child as inferior or destined for a life of limited opportunities in the eyes of society.

I was thirteen when my brother faced this harsh judgment. The creak of our yard gate still echoes in my mind as he trudged through after being rejected, head bowed in dejection. But my imperfect parents had a different vision.

To them, a school’s reputation meant little compared to nurturing the inherent gifts and passions of their children. They shielded us from society’s oppressive expectations, ensuring we never felt like failures for walking a different path.

Even as my brother’s conventional dreams of academic success seemed to crumble that day, our mother remained supportive and perceptive. You see, she recognized the artistic spark that lived within him — a gift that allowed his pencil to breathe life onto the page with astounding detail.

After two nurturing years at a “lesser” school that supported his strengths instead of…

