Why The Supreme Court Is About To Tell Women Everywhere Their Wants Are Irrelevant

Brandie Whaley
Modern Women
Published in
2 min readApr 11, 2022

Photo courtesy of Gayatri Malhotra and Unsplash

How Politics Are Making Women Everywhere Second Class Citizens

In 1973, the Supreme Court of the United States legalized abortion rights. In 2021, 48 years later, the state of Mississippi is about to set the Women’s Rights Movement back to its infancy by trying to make abortion illegal once more. We are perilously close to, once again, losing the right to decide what to do with our bodies. Once again, women everywhere are being told by a male-dominated society and by the religious right, that we are not capable of making competent decisions when it comes to making decisions about our bodies. If Roe Vs. Wade is overturned, every woman in the United States will have been sent the message that we are less relevant than our male counterparts. We will have been told that our wants, goals, plans, and lives are insignificant. The world as we know it is on the verge of change, ladies, and not for the better. Use your voice while you still have one, and vehemently and with great urgency, let your government know that nobody should be allowed to make decisions regarding your reproductive rights except for you.
#SeperationOfChurchAndState #abortionrights



Brandie Whaley
Modern Women

Writer, Poet, Advice Guru, (self appointed) feminist, left-handed, sagittarius. ENTJ