Woman after 25, Not Single but UNMARRIED

“Welcome to a space where we challenge the status quo and celebrate being unmarried” -They said.

Modern Women
3 min readMar 11, 2024


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

What is wrong with woman being single after 25?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with a woman being single after 25. Being single for woman at any age is a completely valid and normal life choice. However, societal norms and stereotypes often perpetuate the idea that a woman’s worth or fulfillment is tied to her relationship status, particularly as she approaches or passes a certain age threshold like 25. These stereotypes can create unnecessary pressure and judgment for women who are single, leading to the misconception that there’s something inherently wrong with being unmarried.

In reality, there are many reasons why woman might be single at any age, including personal choice, focusing on career or personal development, waiting for the right partner, or simply enjoying independence and freedom.

I live in Southeast Asian culture, where societal norms often dictate that marrying at an older age is perceived as unusual, and remaining unmarried can be stigmatized. This cultural perspective places significant pressure on individuals, particularly women, to conform to traditional expectations of marriage and family life.

Despite these prevailing norms, I am fortunate to be surrounded by a circle of remarkable women who boldly prioritize their personal freedom and autonomy. They choose to pursue their passions, careers, and personal growth without feeling obligated to adhere to arbitrary timelines for marriage. However, even in our progressive circles, societal judgments and expectations often cast a shadow over their choices.

In Indonesia, the Indonesian Statistical Report of 2024 provides insight into the state of marriage in our society. The report indicates that the number of marriages in 2023 totaled 1,577,255, representing a notable decline. When examining historical data, this marriage rate is revealed to be the lowest recorded since 1997/1998.

It’s essential to recognize that these statistics do not reflect the decisions or shortcomings of women. Instead, they invite us to explore the underlying factors contributing to the decline in marriage rates. Economic factors, shifting cultural attitudes, and evolving social dynamics all play significant roles in shaping individuals’ decisions regarding marriage.

Furthermore, it is crucial to challenge the societal norms that place undue pressure on women to conform to traditional gender roles and timelines for marriage. Women should not be held solely responsible for the state of marriage in our society. Instead, we must advocate for a more inclusive and equitable understanding of relationships and personal fulfillment, one that respects individuals’ autonomy and choices regardless of gender

It is 2024 already,
This is a period for making brave choices. Where woman not scared to pursue dreams, whether they take us to distant places or into the depths of our emotions. It’s not just about being single; it’s about feeling free — a clear statement of independence in everything we do.

For me, that’s actually fine with the stereotype, because the word “unmarried” is not hurting me anyway. But it’s important to challenge these societal norms and respect the diverse paths that woman choose to take in their lives, whether that includes being single, married, or in any other type of relationship.

Being single/unmarried is not a limitation, but see it as a bold declaration of our autonomy and self-worth.

Relax, hope this finds you well.

