Women Are Often Still Labeled The “Weaker” Sex

It couldn’t be further from the truth

Ruby Lee
Modern Women


Photo by Vonecia Carswell on Unsplash

One of my pet peeves about those old westerns that my husband loves to watch are how women are portrayed on those shows. Every time I walk through the room when he is watching Gunsmoke or Rawhide there seems to be a scene where some woman is crying.

Granted, women had a lot to cry about back in those days. They couldn’t hold jobs to support themselves and their children. They were looked down upon if they didn’t marry. Once they were married, they had to do what their husband told them and accept any kind of abuse that came their way. They weren’t allowed to own property or have a bank account. Worse than that, they weren’t allowed to leave the marriage if they were unhappy or abused.

I have to argue that it’s because of these things that I have described that shows that women are strong and by far not the weaker sex. True, they can’t lift as much as a man or have the muscles of a man, but they are strong enough to get by in whatever their life has dealt them.

So, let's take my grandmothers for instance. My father's mother married at the age of 15 sometime around 1910. She gave birth to six children. Sadly, one of the children died before her first birthday. Losing a child was common in those days. She and my grandfather spent…



Ruby Lee
Modern Women

Mother, Wife, Teacher, Librarian, Teller of Stories. Author of The Marriage Wars by Leeanne Beasley Berry. Top Writer in Parenting, This Happened to Me, Humor