Women Beauty Standards, the change starts with you

Beauty is beyond the external, it goes deeper.

Payal A Kumar
Modern Women
3 min readJul 26, 2023


photo by author

For the longest time I’ve had this consistent thought “why is beauty measured as something external” and more so related to only a specific type of look “instagram models” in most cases (and I’ve seen this having worked in the fashion industry), the people validating these beauty standards don’t even look like them.

If you’re like me and want to see beauty from a lens different from societal standards then here are some some actionable tips, to support the positive standards and cultivate them.

  1. Compliment women beyond how they look

Compliment women for being kind, for having a unique sense of style, for being vulnerable or just being a nurturing being.

Also compliment women who you know might just need it.

2. Likes & comments on Instagram, Tiktok and/or Snapchat

If you tend to like & comment when someone looks good vs when someone is sharing something beautiful you’ve got to re-think this one.

Another tip is check to your following — if you’re only following a certain vibe of women *your supporting in in-cooperating” that standard.

Showcasing to the world and men that only those women matter and that they deserve to be highest on our feeds.

V/s someone who is actually doing some good, living authentically maybe?

3. Think twice before putting layers of Make up and/or plastic surgery

Remember whatever you do, yes it’s your skin/body BUT you live in this collective conscious world, it affects people around you.

how you ask

  1. Other women re-think their natural self — if they see more of this they feel pressured to give in (this happens in Hollywood with aging)

Women are not allowed to age and it’s serious happened with Sarah Jessica parker and Emily Roberts (and so many others who aren’t in the limelight).

2. Men think wow! women look like this, I must up my game (not realising that this is an enhanced look)

4. Have inspiring role models

If you’re following women who are genetically blessed, or just work out 7x a day to keep themselves up with societal standards then you’re not going deeper

Value them that’s absolutely okay but equally or more value women who live beyond themselves, women that are kind, gentle, full of love and inspiring

I don’t know about you but to me that’s the most BEAUTIFUL woman

A woman who’s giving, loving and out there creating a nurturing and loving world.

5. Think deeper: valuing women who are genetically blessed automatically means you value luck>>> above all

Is this how you view life? is life all luck? or a fair share of other elements?

6. Compliment women of all diversity — don’t let the magazines and Instagram likes tell you what’s beautiful

defy all odds and create your own rules

photo by author

because in the end, beauty is everywhere and in everyone it’s you who’s decided to let society dictate what beauty is.

Let me know if you’re with me on this one?



Payal A Kumar
Modern Women

Self Employed, nature preserver (trying!) sharing life journey through my lens, heart & soul and full discloser it can be deep {connect on @payalakumar}