Work-from-home Challenges For Women

A Woman’s Perspective

Modern Women
5 min readAug 20, 2023


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When we step into the world of remote work then there are so many advantages to doing work from home but there are also a lot of challenges in day-to-day life that every man and woman faces. It’s very easy to say that he/she is working from home and now gets relieved from the office but on the other hand only the remote work person understands how difficult and different it could be for them. We frequently see that women consider work-from-home jobs due to the freedom of their time as well as they have the responsibility of their family, kids, etc. so they consider remote jobs.

In this article, we will highlight the work-from-home challenges that women face and also find out how many hurdles they face while doing remote work.

Women are the pillars of society they play an important role in society and as well as there is no home without women yes women contribute a huge part to their homes. We are always expecting women that they will do the home chores, taking care of children and spouses as well. It can be quite difficult for women to manage all this work and also focus on their career growth. It’s not a piece of cake to manage all the things. She faced uncountable challenges while working from home.

List of problems that women face while doing remote work

· Married women and remote work:

Marriage comes with great responsibilities and as a woman, it will be a huge challenge how she manage her family, kids, spouse, etc. If she is living in a nuclear family then it will be quite manageable. But, if she is living in a joint family system then it will give you a tough time because most of the eldest family members try to control women’s schedule. They want that she should manage her work life and kids according to them or sometimes it also happens if women are spending extra hours on the laptop or doing any work. Hence, they think that she is neglecting her duties or that she is not fulfilling their expectations and in this way, emotional manipulation occurs. In that way, she has to manage her work and family life.

· Different mindsets:

It’s not always necessary that everyone has the same mindset as ours and that’s why the clash happened when two different mindsets collided. If the mindset of the woman and her family are not the same then it is also a challenge that women face and these hurdles can tear the women between fulfilling their dreams and fulfilling their family expectations.

· Society expectation:

In our society, we expect women to she should be multi-taskers. She can do the household work she can manage her home, kids and also she can manage jobs but society the people never understands how much hustle and bustle she faces in her day-to-day life and juggling around their work routine and family routine

· Interfering adults:

When a woman is doing a remote job or doing any type of freelancing work the family members around her can take it very lightly and quickly interrupt in her work. They don’t realize that there is a narrow line between work and household responsibilities. Even the family members expect that first, she will cater to their needs after that she will continue the job but in that way, they are disrupting her concentration and diverting her attention from the work. Women should maintain a boundary line between work and family.

· Stress syndrome:

While managing both domestic work and remote work the pressure she feels can lead her to stress, anxiety, and depression. Due to a lot of distractions while doing work at home, the women put in extra effort and give extra hours to their work to accomplish the task and complete the work before the deadline these hurdles will lead to stress syndrome so the women should take care of her mental well-being that she should be happy, relaxed and motivated while managing all these work

· The way things were in our era:

It is also a very common sentence that women always listen to their elders that in our era things were like this or like that etc. Many working women can listen to these things from their family members that family or kids will be their priority there is nothing more important than the family yes I am not denying the fact that the family comes first but what about the woman isn’t she has some personal goals why she is always busy in playing different types of role like a daughter-in-law, mother, wife, etc. but no one is focusing on her personal growth. Maybe she wants to be a career-oriented woman or she has some ambitions related to her personal growth. If a woman is both a housewife or a working woman then society judges her critically if somehow she gets stuck in some work or delayed in any of her responsibility then they start to say in our era we used to do jobs and also manage a home and today women didn’t give the priority to their home or they have no interest in household and so on

Above are the few problems that were highlighted while doing work-from-home jobs. The list will go on further but shout-out to every woman who remarkably manages the work-from-home challenges


Work-from-home challenges for women never come easy it has some pros and cons. Before doing any remote work first set the priorities and clear the mind-set to avoid stress and anxiety. Manage your home and work schedule then it won’t disturb your personal life. Please give yourself a priority, take care of your mental and physical health because nothing comes first before you, and last it is also the responsibility of society to create a better working environment for women



Modern Women

I am a content writer with good reasearch skills and capable to work with anyone and accept the challenges and delivered the work before deadline.