Writing Prompt: My Pandemic Story

Tell us what you’ve learned after two years of Covid, quarantine, and worldwide pandemonium

E.S. Yates
Modern Women
2 min readMar 1, 2022


Photo by visuals on Unsplash

Welcome to the 24th month of our lovely 3-week quarantine: how is everyone feeling?

I’m sure everyone has their own personal story of how their lives have changed in the past two years of unprecedented change and chaos, and we want to hear it!

Share with us your unique pandemic story: how has your life changed, for better or worse? What do you wish you knew two years ago before the first quarantine? What would you change and what would you keep if you had the power?

Ready to Share?

If you aren’t yet a writer of the Modern Women publication, comment below with your @ handle.

Once you’re added as a writer, you can submit your draft story. When editing your story, click the … in the top right corner to add to the Modern Women publication.

Formatting Requests

The only request we have is to format the title this way:

My Pandemic Story: ____________

Include a few words in the blank that summarizes your story. You can add any subtitle you wish.

Please also use the tag “Self”. That will organize all these stories in the Self section on Modern Women.

If you’re so inclined, we’d love for you to include a link to this writing prompt at the bottom of your story (best as an embedded link) so others can get inspired to write with us too.



E.S. Yates
Modern Women

Amateur writer, professional mother, expert cynic. Writing about mental health and new journeys.