You Don’t Have To Be “Mrs. Perfection”

You have an obsession: not to disappoint others.

Modern Women
2 min readOct 11, 2022


Photo by Afif Ramdhasuma on Unsplash

You’ve forced yourself not to open your mouth unless you have something brilliant to say.

Good morning, wake up to reality!

It’s time to accept the harsh truth: moments of genius (ours, everyone’s) are drastically limited…

So, if you set the bar too high for yourself, you will be constantly disappointed in yourself.

Again you will feel uninteresting, again you will fall prey to humiliation.

Give up perfectionism (or at least set clear limits on it) and give yourself the right not to always score on the first shot.

Go out to meet people, stop avoiding contracts, on the contrary, strive to create them.

At first you will feel a bit awkward, but don’t give up.

Just be careful to choose the right moment, when your interlocutors are willing to listen to you.

Act as natural as possible and show your most sincere smile.

We know, sometimes it’s easier said than done but trust us, repetition is the mother of learning and appetite comes with eating.

Again and again: give yourself the right to commit little blunders and little blunders, fix them with humour — you don’t have to be Mrs Perfection.

Unless you’ve learned somehow, perfection doesn’t exist.

Fortunately! If it did, we’d soon get used to it.



Modern Women

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