My Love / Hate Relationship with My Orthopedic Walker

Brien Lee
Published in
1 min readMar 29, 2024


Photo by De an Sun on Unsplash

I’ve got to use a walker to get around. I broke my hip and post-surgery I was given a walker to get around while the hip heals and until the pain subsides.

Naturally, I can’t drive in this condition so when I travel somewhere (chauffeured by my sister or brother-in-law) I am the slowest one of the bunch and require special help entering and exiting the car. After that, it’s “trudge, trudge, trudge” to where I’m going.

While walking the pain in my right leg never subsides. I use Tylenol and very occasionally oxycodone to make it easier to put weight on the leg and shuffle it along. Some days are good and some days are bad.

I’m 75 years old, so none of this is unusual for my age, but I wish I hadn’t lost my footing in the snow on my front steps and not fallen backward. My GP said osteoporosis may have contributed to the break.

So, yes, I consider myself a burden but am thankful for the efforts of my caregivers now that I am out of rehab.

We;ll weather this thing and I hope I’ll be more mobile for my son’s wedding in 6 weeks!



Brien Lee

75-year-old writer/video producer diagnosed with myelofibrosis. Bone marrow transplant 2021. 38 years sober. Slide/video pro. Inquiry email: