4 Subtle Clues That Reveal a Man’s Character

How you speak to people reveals who you really are.

The Good Men Project
Modern Identities


Photo credit: Shutterstock

By Kent Sanders

Society tends to judge men by their accomplishments and possessions. A man’s home, car, job titles, and wealth are all measurements that others use to evaluate his worth.

But possessions and accomplishments only tell part of the story. If you want to find out who a man really is, you have to examine his character. One of the best ways to evaluate a man’s character is by listening to how he speaks to other people.

In this post, we’ll look at four groups of people and how a man’s communication with each of them reveals his character. I call these “subtle clues” because they are easy to miss. However, they are each a major clue to what a man is really like. These clues are helpful not only for discerning the character of others but, more importantly, ourselves.

Clue #1: How a man speaks to his wife

A few months ago I went to dinner with a friend, and his wife called in the middle of our meal. It was impossible not to hear their brief conversation, and I could tell he was greatly annoyed with her. His tone of voice indicated he didn’t want to talk to her and she was bothering him. It seemed obvious to me that his tone of…



The Good Men Project
Modern Identities

We're having a conversation about the changing roles of men in the 21st century. Main site is https://goodmenproject.com Email us info@goodmenproject.com