5 Ways Culture Influences Relationships

Fouad Alaa thinks about some of the cultural differences that affect his relationship.

Agents of Change
Modern Identities


Image: Roberto Trm/Flickr

By Fouad Alaa

THERE’S a beautiful honeymoon phase at the beginning of every relationship where couples fall madly in love with each other regardless of any major differences.

After the honeymoon phase comes the adaptation phase. Personal quirks that used to be cute become annoying. Discomfort, issues and even fights take place; doubly so for interracial couples.

Every culture affects our personal habits and preferences. In interracial relationships, personal habits might cause issues the same way they would when they are acceptable in one country but not tolerated for long in another.

A lot of interracial couples mistake cultural influence for personality flaws. The ability to differentiate between a cultural norm and a personal quirk is very important to prevent any misunderstandings or issues regarding compatibility.

Coming from an Arab background and being in a relationship with a Chinese-Malaysian here has presented some minor issues that can be an example of cultural misunderstandings in interracial relationships.




Agents of Change
Modern Identities

A collaborative effort between “agents of change,” Good Men Media, Inc. and Connection Victory Publishing Company. AgentsOfChange@ConnectionVictory.com