How To Keep a Conversation Going

Franklin Wu
Modern Identities
Published in
2 min readJan 27, 2021

Ask them a question about something that you want to tell them.

If you’re with a ‘new’ girl or guy that you are trying to keep a conversation going with, it can be difficult because they don’t know much about you and so they really can’t ask you about things that you can talk about.

The way around this is to figure out what are the things that are interesting about you that you want to tell them about. This may be your hobbies, your job, your car, whatever is cool about you. Keep these in mind.

When the conversation lulls, you pull out one of these things by asking her a leading question, like do you have any hobbies or what kind of car that you have? When they give you a minimal answer, then you can launch into your interesting hobby. Conversation lives on passion, and people like to see what you are passionate about, so to keep the conversation going, I am afraid, you are going to have to be ‘interesting’ to start with. You just use this ‘trick’ to prop up the conversation and keep feeding them information about yourself. Hopefully, they will pick up on your passions and start asking you questions, giving non-trivial information about themselves and then ask more questions about them based on that. Whatever they says, figure out a way to ask a question about that, or tell as similar thing as what they said.

Next time you see them, you will then have a common shared knowledge about your interest and may ask you how your special hobby is going and that is the secret sauce to getting a genuine conversation going where you don’t have to prop up the conversation by using pre-prepared tricks.

