Seven Characteristics That Make a Boy a Man

The journey from boyhood to manhood doesn’t happen overnight.

Agents of Change
Modern Identities


Photo credit: iStockphoto

By Dr. Kurt Smith

The transition from boyhood to becoming a man doesn’t happen automatically or overnight. Experiences, relationships, and challenges faced along the way shape each of us into unique individuals. And all of these factors help a boy turn into a man.

While most males learn and grow on this journey, others do not. How a boy responds to the adversity along the way will determine if he matures or gets lost in an arrested development. Some males learn from their mistakes, seek wisdom from older adults and take the challenges that come at them head on.

Here are seven characteristics that differentiate a man from a boy.

1. They plan their future

Men think long term — about their relationships, career, finances, living situation and more. They aren’t just winging it. Sure, they may not have it all figured out, but they have a good idea of where they want their life to go in the next five or ten years and they are laying the foundation to get there. On the other hand, boys who are yet to become men don’t have these plans and live moment to moment.

2. They take responsibility



Agents of Change
Modern Identities

A collaborative effort between “agents of change,” Good Men Media, Inc. and Connection Victory Publishing Company.