Design Futures: August 2020

One thing’s for certain — everything changes. Whether the future is flying robots that deliver dinner on a self-heating plate, an evolution from stationary homes to modular ones, or the simple transformation from physical behaviors to digital ones — design has the power to influence the way our future looks and the way people interact with the world around them.

Design Futures is Modernist Studio’s monthly exploration of design, in all its transformative qualities: from Evolution to Impact, from the Possible to the Fantastical — and perspectives on how we can meaningfully shape the future.

Featured Articles:

“The New American Dream” in Fast Co.

by Modernist Partner and COO Jon Kolko

“What happened to the American Dream? What should the New American Dream look like?” Jon examines the generational divide, rising value of experiences, gig economy, overly complex financial system, and how this new normal is creating a landscape of impossibility for a generation of Americans.

“What is Value” on Medium

Value is often considered “how much someone will pay.” But cost suggests that a product’s worth is static and knowable ahead of time. Instead, value is relative based on circumstances and contexts.”

Coming soon...

Join our conversation with leaders in design, culture, and technology on September 29th at Future Sessions! Reserve your ticket on Eventbrite.

And be on the lookout for next month’s Design Futures with ideas for using holograms to homeschool and other ways to continue adapting to the ever-changing landscape based around trends our team is tracking.

Sign up for our email list to receive our monthly Design Futures in your inbox. (We won’t ever share your info or spam you.)

We want to hear from you, too. If there are topics you’re curious about, trends we should follow, or articles, music, media, or news you’d like to share, we’re here for that. Send things our way. Design is a conversation, after all.

Together, let’s explore how the future can look.



Modernist Studio
Perspectives on Design by Modernist Studio

Modernist Studio is a strategy, experience design and innovation consultancy that designs and builds the future across products, services, experiences and teams