Submit Your Work to Perspectives on Design

Thanks for your interest in writing for Modernist Studio’s Medium publication!

Submission Guidelines

* 300–1500 words
* Optimistic in tone
* Solutions-focused
* Clear thesis
* Topic areas: design, innovation, AI, software, UX/UI, etc.
* Focus on: design systems, leveling the playing field for diverse audiences and user groups
* Submissions can be word-driven (e.g. a blog/article) or visually-driven (e.g. redesigning an app for better experience)
* You will need a Medium account in order to submit a final draft to the publication — then we will add you as a contributor

For word-driven pieces:
* Submit either: a full draft or send a thesis statement, abstract, or outline to ensure the article is a good fit
* We can help create support imagery that adheres to Perspective on Design’s brand standards

For design-driven pieces:
* For app or program re-designs, please submit UI screens or other imagery that supports the story
* We can help design additional support imagery (mock-ups or supporting conceptual images) that adhere to Perspective on Design’s brand guidelines
* If you’re designing the visuals, please reach out for color palette and usage guidelines. We may ask for layered files or request visual updates (your preference) to ensure all work falls within our design system

Please submit here or email with additional questions.

We look forward to seeing your work!



Modernist Studio
Perspectives on Design by Modernist Studio

Modernist Studio is a strategy, experience design and innovation consultancy that designs and builds the future across products, services, experiences and teams