Digital Transformation, New Privacy Rules, Machine Learning, and Scent Branding

Green Stone
Green Stone
Published in
2 min readMay 8, 2018

Why So Many High-Profile Digital Transformations Fail→

“Digital is not just a thing that you can you can buy and plug into the organization. It is multi-faceted and diffuse, and doesn’t just involve technology. Digital transformation is an ongoing process of changing the way you do business. It requires foundational investments in skills, projects, infrastructure, and, often, in cleaning up IT systems. It requires mixing people, machines, and business processes, with all of the messiness that entails. It also requires continuous monitoring and intervention, from the top, to ensure that both digital leaders and non-digital leaders are making good decisions about their transformation efforts.”

How Europe’s New Privacy Rule is Reshaping the Internet→

The General Data Protection Regulation (or GDPR), is poised to reshape some of the messiest parts of the internet. You may have seen a lot of privacy policies change in the past few months. From Google to Slack, companies are quietly updating terms, rewriting contracts, and rolling out new personal data tools in preparation for a massive shift in the legal landscape. So far, it’s mostly been a problem for legal departments, but as policy changes and contract fights go public, it’s started affecting the average web user, too.

The Style Algorithm→

Kyle Chayka writes about fashion in a world of Machine Learning and AI. It’s up to us whether or not we care about the shades of distinction between human and machine choice, or indeed if we care about fashion at all. Maybe taste is the last thing separating us from the Singularity.



Green Stone
Green Stone

A strategy + design firm that delivers Modern Loyalty to our clients through the crafting of experiences that deliver meaningful value.