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Unconscious Bias, Blockchains, and the Human Touch

Green Stone
Green Stone
Published in
2 min readSep 14, 2017


Google’s research on unconscious bias

How do we find objectivity when we have our own perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences coloring our judgments? If you haven’t yet, explore Google’s research on unconscious bias. In short, our biases are created because of the way we create shortcuts in our thinking to filter information more efficiently. In doing so we have a tendency to ignore, and not factor in all of the information, which can lead to faulty conclusions.

Benefits of a humanities background in tech→

Tracy Chou writes in Quartz about the benefits of a humanities background in the tech industry. An examination, in her words of, “…simultaneously defining what it should be, whom it would serve, and what behaviors we wanted to incentivize amongst our users.”

The threat of artificial intelligence→

Tracy KAI-FU LEE writes about ‘The Real Threat of Artificial Intelligence’. This debate has entered new arenas of morality, cognition, and technology, as Lee explores potential outcomes in adapting AI into our daily lives.

Send Me offers an new way to explore artwork→

SFMOMA has recently launched Send Me a new SMS service to allow access to their vast collection of art. A collection so vast, that SFMOMA ‘can only show about 5% of it in the galleries at any given time.’

Learn the basics of Goldman Sachs’ blockchains→

From Goldman Sachs’, Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust, an interactive experience detailing the evolution of transactions. If you’ve wanted to learn more, this is a great way to dig into the what and how of blockchains.



Green Stone
Green Stone

A strategy + design firm that delivers Modern Loyalty to our clients through the crafting of experiences that deliver meaningful value.