3 Ways I Overcome Social Anxiety

Published in
3 min readJul 8, 2020


Too Afraid To Eat In the Cafeteria In Fear Of Sitting Alone

Anyone that knows me personally will be shocked to hear this: I used to have a lot of social anxiety. Although I have managed to overcome most of my anxiety around social situations, it has been a long journey filled with self-reflection, rejection from others, and numerous highs and lows.

To provide you with a bit of an insight, I moved about 3 times in primary and secondary school. I moved cities, states, and even countries a couple of times. An individual with affinity towards belongingness, overcoming social anxiety was almost a survival mechanism. I need to feel supported socially to thrive in all other areas of life.

So, I had no choice but to choose to overcome the fear of meeting new people and approaching strangers.

Here are some of the things I learned along the way that made me the “social butterfly” that I am labeled as today:

We are all just skeletons

Literally, underneath everyone’s beautiful and intimidating faces are just blood, flesh and skeletons. Fundamentally, we all come from similar places and to some extent share similar life experiences of going through happiness, despair, envy, pride, ego, etc. We are all human beings with likes, dislikes, struggles, pain, and…




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