A Modest Introduction to Metamodernism

Moses Cirulis
Modest Metamodernist
8 min readDec 8, 2020


By Moses Cirulis

Presented by Modest Metamodernist

“The World System” by Moses Cirulis

What is Metamodernism? Is probably the first question one is going to ask themself upon looking at this little blog of mine. After all, you can’t have a Modest Metamodernist without a Metamodernism to which such a person belongs.

“The Modernist” by Moses Cirulis

Let’s try to situate this question a bit. What is Modernism? That one’s relatively easy. Modernism is a system of systems. A system, as I speak of it in this sense, is a grouping of abstractions into a coordinated set; abstractions in of themselves being rules that describe groups of concrete reality.

In this sense, Modernism is a set of philosophies and practices that started around the turn of the Renaissance in the 1500s. Humanism, Individualism, Capitalism, modern science, modern democracy, and more obscure philosophies, such as Objectivism; all of these systems of thought were born within Modernism. One can call a system of systems a paradigm, and Hanzi Freinacht and other researchers in the Metamodern community call this specific type of paradigm a Metameme.



Moses Cirulis
Modest Metamodernist

Writer, artist, philosophy dabbler, and part-time barista.