5 Digital Marketing Trends That Will Dominate 2021

What to expect after the disruptive 2020

3 min readFeb 4, 2021


Despite anyone’s expectations, 2020 ended up being an extremely valuable turning point for digital marketing. With e-commerce hitting record peaks and traditional marketing being made obsolete, digital marketers had to find innovative ways to engage, convert, and retain consumers. But uncertainty still remains. So after reflecting on the whirlwind that was 2020, we look ahead to a new year full of opportunities and challenges for companies looking to grow their consumer base. In order to successfully navigate these obstacles, here are 5 digital marketing trends that you should keep an eye on in 2021.

Voice search

Search is one of the most crucial intersections of the consumer journey. It is where active consumer intent meets a need-satisfying commodity. The efficacy of this transaction is what makes this step so valuable for businesses to intercept. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a tactic that has dominated digital marketing strategies as of yet, but one that will have to adapt to the introduction of voice search. According to Review42, 58% of people have used voice search to find information about a local business. As voice search becomes more popular, companies will have to adapt their SEO tactics to match the channel.

Google verified listings for local SEO

The pandemic has forced many local businesses to switch to digital platforms and channels to advertise their services. One effective and easy way to do that is by verifying your business and its location through Google My Business. For example, this will allow a local plumber to appear in searches that include “near me.” In addition, Google My Business provides information that can help drive consumers towards landing pages. Both tactics are excellent drivers of customer engagement.

Visual content

As more and more businesses compete across digital marketing channels, enterprises will have to stand out through the quality of their visual content. Dynamic images, graphics, and videos are great ways to get customers to visit landing pages and convert on their clicks. Similarly, all of this content can benefit SEO as much as it can CRO through keyword-focused alt text, captions, and titles.


Consumers are becoming more cognizant of brand leadership and how brands align with their own values and identities. In a recent digital marketing report, 41% of shoppers were straying away from retailers that didn’t reflect their core views and beliefs. Moreover, 29% of consumers said they would switch retailers if they didn’t display enough diversity. Both of these indicate a consumer preference for visible inclusivity in the brands they support. People are voting with their wallets, and companies should be prepared.

Interactive content

By integrating more interactive content — such as quizzes, interactive infographics, or clickable animation, for example — you can enhance your overall user experience (UX). A better UX creates value and increases the likelihood of conversion. According to Content Marketing Institute, 81% of marketers agreed that interactive content was a more effective method of grabbing and retaining visitor attention.

Not all trends are valuable or feasible for a business to execute. Understanding how, when, and where to market your company requires years of knowledge and experience. Fortunately, Modus has both. With Modus, you can leverage our industry expertise and resources to empower your digital marketing efforts and, ultimately, upgrade your business. To learn more about our services, contact us today.

