Digitalization In Simple Terms

Published in
1 min readSep 22, 2020

Let’s make complicated things simple. We want to summarize what digitalization provides to the hospitality industry.

Digitalization in this market sector leverages technology for optimizing businesses and raising their efficiency. Moving the hotel’s operations onto digital platforms is one of the forms of digitalization. Let’s outline 3 stages of such transition:

Automatization — moving employee schedules and task lists into digital systems for storing, processing and managing data more efficiently.
Digitalization — optimizing processes to adapt them for the digital economy.

Digital transformation — changing the entire business management structure: from methodologies to the very economical strategy.

The advantages digitalization offers:

-Easier management

-Tailored offers to different clients

-Wide range of analytical tools

-Optimization of marketing

-Successful development strategy

All of the above gives your business the competitive edge it needs to be relevant and reliable.




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