Modihost is here to help hotels to profit

Published in
2 min readNov 19, 2019

We have already said many times that the hotel business is a complex system and new technologies in this area are not used effectively enough, and sometimes are not used at all.

But we are confident that this situation can be changed by introducing new technologies. All hotel guests and hotel owners will benefit from this. One of the main aims of Modihost project is to help hotels around the world to be more successful, that is, to improve the level of customer service, to make the work inside the hotel effective and to increase profits.

How are we going to achieve that? We combine the latest technologies of AI, Cognitive Computing, Voice Recognition, IoT, Automation and Robotics.

The system created by us can collect a tremendous amount of information about the work of hotels, guests and their preferences. While analyzing a piece of information, the system can tell, for example, what Jack Robinson likes, who stays at the hotel N in Argentina, what he is allergic to, and how much money he left in the bar on the last trip. These details are important. They will help to make the stay of the guest in the hotel comfortable, and private information about thousands of other customers will enable the staff to work more efficiently. As a result, this will increase profits. A satisfied customer will return again to the hotel, spend more on the trip, etc.

However, our system can be even more helpful! It can even get the hotel out of a difficult situation. Imagine that Hotel Z is performing poorly in the offseason, so they put a query into Modihost system for specific trends regarding the poorly performing months. When using generalized data, Modihost system analyzes everything: the age of customers, the cost of rooms, the location of the hotel and many more other things! Then, a full analysis is sent to the hotel that requested the information.

With this information, the hotel manager will see the weaknesses of the business and will be able to change this.

Modihost platform aims to contribute to the development of the hotel business. We are confident the integration of new technologies is the best solution.




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