The AI system built into the ModiHost hotel management system

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2 min readDec 21, 2019

The AI system built into the ModiHost hotel management system is a perfect solution that benefits both hotel owners and their guests!

Hotel guests can receive more services they are interested in and enjoy their time at the hotel all thanks to artificial intelligence — the system will be able to learn all about guests’ habits and preferences. This data can be further used to help the hotel and its staff to provide a much better and more tailored experience to the customer. All the data is stored within a customer profile, so even if the guest comes back to the hotel several years after, their data will remain intact and accessible;

Hotels benefit from the amount of data artificial intelligence collects and stores about each guest, making the hotel experience stand out from the rest.

Hospitality industry combines a lot of processes, and it’s unlikely that hoteliers or their personnel will remember every detail about every guest they host. In its turn, the AI won’t have a problem recalling information — in just one press of a button; it can read customer profiles with all their habits, preferences and wants.

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