The COVID-19 Pandemic Catalyzed New Technologies

Published in
1 min readSep 9, 2020

The strive to make tourists come back faster is not unexpected. According to the UN World Tourism Organization, the tourism industry makes up more than 10% of the global GDP. After the months-long lockdown due to the virus threat, the industry is going through some callous times.

However, the pandemic situation has, beyond any reasonable doubt, accelerated the development of new technology in tourism and hospitality. In an attempt to attract tourists back to their hotels, the hospitality industry professionals are rushing to develop all kinds of contactless services. This includes cloud services where you can upload your passport and visa; the ability to not only check-in a contactless manner, but also pass the security screening at the airport with face recognition tech and contactless inspection devices; hotel check-in through mobile app instead of the reception desk. And this is only a few of the coming changes!




The Next Step in Evolution of the Hospitality Industry.