Development update: Module App

The MODULE team
Published in
4 min readFeb 4, 2019

The alpha version of the application is going through its testing phase

Recently, we at Module — a decentralized file storage platform — have been really busy working on our blockchain. Today we are thrilled to announce the deployment of the Module alpha application!

Mission of Module

MODULE is a blockchain-based platform designed to utilize the free storage of smartphones, tablets, or personal computers as an asset. Our idea is to let our users capitalize their mobile devices on a daily basis.

On the MODULE platform, users will be able to get rewards for renting their free gigabytes to those who lack them.

Every person, who wishes to become a provider of the storage, will be given an opportunity to save on his/her device some tiny parts of different files from requesters — users who need the storage.

As the requesters’ files will be divided into tiny elements and disseminated, their files will be stored securely. The most vivid example of requesters on our platform are companies who need truly big and secure data centers for storing their information.

In fact, the platform will be used in a much wider way, and it will be explained in our future articles.

Features of the App

We have been working hard to make our goals a reality. Today, one can easily download the application, become a requester or provider, and upload files for storing on the Module platform.

The application has a built-in wallet for collecting MODL coins.

It goes without saying that you can send and receive MODL coins from other addresses, check your transaction history, reward history, or create an address book.

At the moment, two languages — English and Japanese — are available for the application. In the future, when the back-end is tested and approved by the whole team, Module will work on the design of the app.

Alpha Testing

Since we have created an alpha application, we are going to push updates on a regular basis. We strongly believe that one of the biggest mistakes an app developer can make is not allocating enough time and resources to testing.

(From XKCD)

We at MODULE value the business importance of testing and we are convinced that quality should not be sacrificed. “Moving fast and breaking things” is definitely not our style.

It is not only the complexity of our application that determines the difficulty — it is also the end product we have in mind. Putting together a usable prototype is one thing. Creating a finished and polished platform, consumer-ready app is another. That is why, now we are testing our product in a closed group in very controlled conditions.

We are taking precautions to avoid leaks and working on collecting a good amount of data.

The alpha tests a conducted by several teams who are not involved in the production, as this could bias them. This phase is important for our developers since they get direct feedback from the testers and can ask questions, clarify issues and see results.


Alpha and beta testing are critical to us in order to create a sustainable platform. We need to take time and make sure that things will work in the real world.

As we have deployed the alpha version, all product features and functionality cannot be fully released to the public yet. However, we will post some “teasers” and reports on our progress to ensure accountability.

The development team is working on removing bugs. New features will be continuously added over the coming weeks.

Join our Community!

Stay tuned and do not hesitate to contact us! To keep up with our updates please join our international group on Telegram.

Yours sincerely,

The MODULE team

