Send Telegram Notifications with Laravel 9

Alfredo Barron
Published in
3 min readMay 18, 2022


We will learn to send Telegram notifications with Laravel 9

Foto de Dima Solomin en Unsplash

Step 1. Install Telegram notification channel

Before you can send notifications via Telegram, you must install the Telegram notification channel via Composer:

composer require laravel-notification-channels/telegram

Step 2. Create your Telegram Bot

Open Telegram, look for the BotFather bot and say hello.

Select or type /newbot choose a name and username and get your token.

Step 3. Setting up your Telegram Bot

Add telegram service into config/service.php file.

# config/services.php

'telegram-bot-api' => [

Add your token into environment file

# .env

