What is Modus?

Jack Tilley
Modus AI
Published in
3 min readAug 18, 2023
Top of current landing page (undergoing reconstruction)

Okay, here we go I guess.

I suppose the best way to start this off is with some context. My name is Jack. I’m 19. I live in Melbourne. Oh, and me and my co-founder Tom are building Modus. If I refer to myself in context to Modus, assume that Tom is also included in that sentence.

Right. For now, that’s all you need to know about me.

What is Modus?

Well, I’m glad you asked. Modus is what I like to call the future of study. We’ve mapped out a step-by-step process that evidences what we believe to be a software that incorporates every aspect of a student’s studying into one app.

Our aim: From the second you start studying right down to the second you finish, you don’t need to leave our site. Not once.

The real question is, how are we going to do this? It’s no simple task, that’s for sure. Simply put, we’re going to take the first step up the mountain, make sure the step is perfectly smooth and high enough to reach the next step, and repeat.

In sensical terms, we’ve built our first feature. We’re going to make sure the feature is bulletproof for our users, ensure we can connect other ‘organisms’ to it, and then piggy-back our next feature off it. Seems simple enough, right? In doing so, it will ensure that the eventual ‘spider-web’ of features we create interlink with each other and create a user experience that is easy to use and propel’s learning ability through a diverse range of tools.

What is our first feature?

The base idea for Modus when Tom first thought of the concept was to create a tool where students no longer need to write their own notes. So we brought to life the ‘Text to Notes’ and ‘PDF to notes’ features. These features enable users to insert a chunk of text or a PDF into our site and have notes generated from the content.

We’ve re-approached our outlook on these, and turned them into ‘summarisers’. Users can insert any text/PDF and have it summarised into a clear, concise understanding of the content with all of the key information included.

We’ve also created a personalised chat-bot called ‘Mosaic’ (wonder where we got that from..) that acts as an on-site mentor to assist users with any questions about the content. ‘Mosaic’ is in its beginner phase, meaning that we plan on incorporating it across the entire site and be an ‘on-page’ assistant, rather than just having its own exclusive feature page.

What’s next?

Our next feature, which is of course piggy-backed onto the ‘summarisers’, is a ‘Chat to PDF’ feature. Users will be able to insert any PDF they want, which will take up half of the screen. The other half will be Mosaic. Here, they can talk to Mosaic about the PDF.

Example: User uploads the Apollo 11 Mission Report (https://www.nasa.gov/specials/apollo50th/pdf/A11_MissionReport.pdf)

Potential questions:

“In relation to ‘surface exploration’, could you tell me what the experience was described as, as well as what the crew members said about future flights?”

  • related to page 42

“What were the satisfaction levels like in regard to the navigation and control system?”

  • related to page 135

In turn, Mosaic will reply with a detailed response of the question. The aim of this feature is to allow for students develop a deeper insight into (often large) documents, as well as help to answer any questions they may be required to do for class, or have themselves. Users will also be able to save the chat to refer back to.

For now, that’s all I’m going to give you. To stay updated on our progress, hear about our plans, or make me think I’m doing this blog thing right, feel free to have a look at any of the following links.

Website: https://www.joinmodus.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ModusApp

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joinmodus/

