4 projects associated with Moebio receive funding from EIT Health Headstart program

Moebio Barcelona
Published in
3 min readJul 30, 2019

EIT Health has announced the results of its start-up assistance program, Headstart Funding. The program provides funding of up to €50,000 per project with the goal of assisting in the development of new healthcare products and services by helping entrepreneurs to lower time-to-market, verify the need and increase the amount of investment they attract. Four projects associated with the Moebio programs will receive funding in this call for proposals. They include three from the BioRegion of Catalonia (ColorSensing, Funny Friends, Smiletronix) and an international one (Luminate Medical).

ColorSensing was founded by María Eugenia Martín, a former d·HEALTH Barcelona 2016 fellow who is also CEO of the company. They have developed a color-correction method for cameras used in telemedicine to diagnose skin cancer, which can increase the survival rates and lower waiting lists and costs. The pictures taken with any device made for this purpose undergo color distortion which renders them highly unreliable, but ColorSensing’s QR patterns can correct the uncontrolled distortion in skin images, restoring the real colors.

In turn, Funny Friends was one of the projects that participated in the first edition of CRAASH Barcelona. The innovation it is developing from Vecmedical is a respiratory exerciser to be used before or after any thoracic surgery and for the rehabilitation of specific diseases like cystic fibrosis, COPD and chronic asthma. Their innovation revolutionizes the way patients undergo respiratory rehabilitation, since they do it while playing and interacting with different software games. That is, the games react to the intensity of the air that the patient using this system blows or inhales.

Another CRAASH Barcelona project, this one a participant in the current edition underway, is Smiletronix, which conducts a dental health scan anytime, anywhere, in less than a minute with its personal hand-held device and app. Moving from curative to preventative medicine means significant savings in payers’ costs and improved patient health.

Internationally, Luminate Medical, another participant in CRAASH Barcelona 2019, was awarded by EIT Health UK-Ireland. The company, which came out of National University of Ireland, Galway, is developing a portable electronic device to painlessly combat chemotherapy-induced hair loss, while lowering waiting lists and the risk of infection.

Moebio and EIT Health: Intense collaboration

EIT Health, the leading European healthcare consortium, partners with Moebio’s main programs.

CRAASH Barcelona, the acceleration program organized by Biocat in conjunction with CIMIT (Boston), is part of the EIT Health bootcamps program.

Likewise, the d·HEALTH Barcelona post-graduate program, which develops future healthcare innovators and entrepreneurs, is part of EIT Health’s Innovation Fellowships, which allow students to experience international mobility with other programs and become a part of the extensive European EIT Alumni network once they have finished the program. The participants in the seventh edition of d·HEALTH Barcelona are currently being selected. If you have an educational background in engineering, design, life sciences or business, enroll and experience a complete innovation cycle, from identifying real needs in large hospitals to the design, prototype, business model and search for financing for the solution developed. More information on the program: https://www.moebio.org/en/program/d-health-barcelona

