4 years later: the Sustainable Development Goals

Taynaah Reis
Moeda Seeds
Published in
4 min readOct 8, 2019

September of this year marked the fourth year of the creation of the 2030 Agenda goals. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals were negotiated in 2015 by representatives from a vast majority of countries as a type of guidance for people throughout the world on bringing about sustainable growth and reducing inequalities.

Since that time, a lot has happened in the realm of politics and economics. Naturally, an effort is being made to evaluate and review the Goals. In fact, this is what took place this year at the UN headquarters in New York City from September 24th to the 25th. Government Representatives and Heads of State gathered at the first SDG Summit to find out more about how far along the commitments have come. The focus was on understanding the current situation so that the ambitious goals instituted 4 years ago are more likely to be achieved by 2030.

The meetings, panels and presentations resulted in the Policy Statement “Gearing up for a decade of action and delivery for sustainable development”. The leaders participating in the talks made it clear that we have a decade of action left to deliver the SDGs by 2030 and announced measures that are intended to move further along this course. Over 100 acceleration measures have been announced.

Moeda believes that keeping track of these events is crucial. Everything we do is based on the Sustainable Development Goals. These goals are our guide and orient our decisions, which Seed Projects is going to be supported, and ultimately even minor everyday gestures.

Each Impact Investment launched on our platform must help implement the Agenda 2030 goals. Some, like the COOAFES Seed Project — Women from the Sertão, have an impact on 8 of them.

This is because Moeda needs to go above and beyond offering simple and pure credit. It is essential to offer production alternatives, sustainable practices, new forms of commerce and even to establish a vision in which, for example, the role of women is reconsidered. These are practices that ensure that each Seed Project must be long-lasting and have a real impact. In addition, introducing the UN Goals and working with communities to make them a reality is a true investment in the future. The people we reach are modifying the way they work and produce, creating new traditions that will ensure new generations will follow in their footsteps.

Another key practice to ensure the success of Agenda 2030 is measurement. Projects submitted to Moeda through the Moeda Seed Program provide for a collective action plan with the entrepreneurs so that we can measure the methodological path to reach the SDGs through on-site and remote technical monitoring. This format is open to the entire Moeda staff, who can outline new mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating Seed Projects. Our tech team also incorporates these assessments into the Blockchain methodology of each Impact Investment, creating the transparency that is essential for our supporters. We are also examining the best way to share these results with partners throughout the globe. Demonstrating what we are accomplishing while understanding what other entities have been doing is invaluable. This is how we can continuously improve and reach the 2030 Agenda goals more cohesively and dynamically.

We believe in what the United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres stated: “The 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals are our collective response to building a fair globalization.” That is why we go beyond our scope and contribute to actions, such as the Rural Women Campaign, Women with Rights. As supporters, we have the power to provide more visibility to rural women — and this is an opportunity to work on SDG 5: Gender Equality. Every person, entity, and company need to think this way and initiate the SDGs in their agendas. There is a lot that remains to be done and we have only 10 years to advance these goals. It has never been so important to work together.

