A game in which the hero truly changes the world

maria claudia brigido
Moeda Seeds
Published in
2 min readFeb 5, 2019

Moeda launches Moeda Go!

Many games are based on stories that turn us into heroes. We save enchanted kingdoms, capture villains and gain super powers. The premise of the game that Moeda’s just launched is to take this idea to the real world.

Moeda Go! is a mobile game that takes place on a farm in which you travel great distances, shift around different obstacles and collect rewards. The difference is that your points are worth MDAX, the token developed by the Moeda staff to be used exclusively in games. You can, at any time, use your points to invest in Seed Projects — Moeda’s impact investments. In other words: the more you play, the more digital currency you’ll have to make investments that change the real world out there. The game can be found in the Moeda Seeds App, available for Android.

This great news is part of some releases we prepared for the Chinese New Year. The market has just learned about the MDALOYAL — a new token, also exclusive for investments in Seed Projects, which was gifted to loyal Moeda investors that have been supporting us since the beginning of our operations. The first 200 users of Moeda’s social networks that register on our website between the 5th and the 28th of February will also receive, as a gift, 28 MDALOYAL.

Just as Moeda Go!, the purpose of these launches is threefold. First, to lend greater visibility to Moeda’s Seed Projects, reaching new audiences and helping them discover what an impact investment is. Second, to understand that it’s possible to earn income from a traditional investment and to help implement the Sustainable Development Goals at the same time. And third, that it’s possible to be a hero and make the world better, on and off the small screen.

Follow our social networks to find out what’s new. And download Moeda Seeds App to learn more about Moeda Go! The more you play, the more impact you distribute.


