Cookies of COOPAFI

John Chiarella
Moeda Seeds
Published in
2 min readMar 30, 2018

This is the second installment of our highlights on the products of Moeda’s seed projects. To see the previous one, click here.

These are handmade cookies made by Marislucia, a family farmer, affiliated with the COOPAFI cooperative in the city of Santo Antonio do Sudoeste.

Marislucia, as many other women that are part of the cooperative, work in different production chains, and sell their products through the cooperative for government programs. With the Moeda micro-loan program, COOPAFI will build 5 aviaries in the properties of women associated in the project. The structure of aviaries for organic egg production are composed of a closed area made of wood where the animals will have feeders and wooden nests for egg laying and sleeping space. In addition they will have an area of 1,200 square meters for walk freely during the day. This project will raise income for these producers, as well as making the community aware about organic and sustainable production.

Stay tuned for more wonderful products to come!

