First Round of Questionnaire Results Available

John Chiarella
Moeda Seeds
Published in
2 min readMar 28, 2018

Several weeks ago, we announced that we were releasing a questionnaire (linked here) to our MDA holders/investors so we can better understand their priorities and their opinions regarding Moeda and its efforts. We’ve received the first round of our results and we would like to share them with you.

Some highlights, and some updates regarding the questions:

92%(!!!) of our investors are Chinese, over 85% are male, and almost half are aged between 18–29.

Like most others in the cryptocurrency market, roughly half of our investors are interested primarily in profit.

Thanks to smartphones and the internet, an overwhelming majority of investors access information pertaining to the market everyday.

Here are the most up-to-date information regarding the products we are working on:

Website redesign — structure development is almost done, with contents left to be filled in.

App development — on track from roadmap. Sprint 7 in progress, and will be done on April 5th. This version of Sprint will be about applying new visual design styles throughout the application, and to set up event tracking in the app to keep track of users’ interaction with the app.

Technical assistant (seed projects) — Team will conclude development of business plan for 4 co-ops in cohort 2, 3 in Bahia and 1 in the state of Parana. We will have completed the 7 most complex projects.

For more info, check the graphic below, and we’ll have more information available soon. Thanks to all who participated!

