MOEDA Adds BNB Cryptocurrency to Investment Platform and Announces 3rd Seed Project

David Shi
Moeda Seeds
Published in
2 min readDec 10, 2018

Investors Will be Able to Invest Directly in Moeda Seed Projects Using Binance’s BNB Cryptocurrency

Moeda, the first cooperative lending platform powered by blockchain technology, today announced it has added the Binance BNB cryptocurrency to its investing platform, allowing BNB token holders the ability to invest directly in Moeda Seed Projects with BNB tokens.

“Onboarding the BNB token allows for expanded investor diversity,” said Moeda CEO Taynaah Reis. “The expansion of our partnership offers BNB token holders the opportunity to invest in projects which positively impact society while providing considerable returns compared to similar products available in the marketplace.”

Moeda also recently launched our third seed project, The Cooperative Network of Producers from Bahia (COOPEREDE), a Bahia, Brazil-based farm and crafts-making business which is pursuing a $14000 investment to secure additional government contracts through The National School Meals Program and The Family Agriculture Food Acquisition Program, and gain access to private markets. Investors will receive a 10% return on investment in November 2019 on top of the intended repayment.

COOPEREDE employs 750 women in 16 different communities in the Bahia region, one of the driest and poorest regions in Brazil, where women still live with little or no access to essential segments of society, including financial power. COOPEREDE grows cassava products, engages in free-range poultry farming, pulp production and the manufacture of jams from native fruits, along with using natural fibers and handmade fabrics to create traditional crafts. Along with purchasing supplies, investment will allow for a more refined structuring of these family units with the use of sustainable actions.

About Moeda:

Founded in April 2017 by Taynaah Reis, Brad Chun and Isa Yu, Moeda ( is the first cooperative lending platform powered by blockchain technology. Moeda’s mission is to promote a fairer and more impactful economy by connecting investors directly to entrepreneurs.

Moeda, through its Seed Program, facilitates access to financing and offers technical assistance to unbanked and underbanked businesses whose growth supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Each Seed Program project offers investors an opportunity to make an impact in areas underserved by traditional investment platforms. Investments in businesses in the Seed Program allow for growth that contributes to reducing poverty, inequality and climate threats while promoting local development, women’s empowerment and creating sustainable wealth.

