Moeda Featured in Duke’s SBSI Conference

John Chiarella
Moeda Seeds
Published in
2 min readFeb 9, 2018

Moeda’s Chief Ambassador Ari Eisenstat was invited to participate at The Sustainable Business & Social Impact (SBSI) conference, hosted by the The Fuqua School of Business Net Impact Club of Duke University in North Carolina of the United States. It is the largest event of its kind in the region, it was held for the purpose of exploring new fields and opportunities in social impact and sustainability, including AI and healthcare, blockchain, diversity, impact investing, food, opioids, scale, and other paths forward in order to bring about positive change throughout the world. Naturally, Mr. Eisenstat was featured on the blockchain panel, and presented Moeda as a solution.

The panel covered topics ranging from as general to the nature of blockchain technology and how it has taken the world by storm (including established banking and other financial circles) to specific questions, like how blockchain can be used for international aid, by refugees, and social and environmental sustainability.

When asked how he would explain blockchain technology, Mr. Eisenstat said his favorite way to do so was to simply call it “the future of software… It’s the future of database management, and what the internet has done with information, blockchain is now able to do in the physical world. It’s becoming the internet of value.” Mr. Eisenstat also answered questions about Bitcoin, mining, and said he hopes that since so many people made money off of cryptocurrency, there will soon be what’s known as “crypto-philanthropy”to fund projects and non-profits across the world.

“Looking back at 2017, not only have we seen an explosion of growth and wealth and startups creating new enterprises but [blockchain] also come into the mainstream for the social impact space, and I hope we see a lot more of that in 2018.”

For more news on blockchain’s social impact, keep following Moeda!

