Moeda makes history at Bretton Woods

Taynaah Reis
Moeda Seeds
Published in
2 min readJul 22, 2019

From July 22–25, our CEO will be surrounded by leading authorities on economics, finance, technology, innovation, and sustainability. Ms. Reis was invited to attend the 75th Year Anniversary of the Historic Bretton Woods Conference — an invitation that holds significant historical importance.

In July of 1944, delegates from around the world gathered at the historic Mount Washington Hotel in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. The task was rather complex: at President Roosevelt’s request, the group had to design a monetary system for the post-war era. Currencies needed to be stabilized and international trade required a boost after the chaos left behind by the 2nd World War — a way to render stability that would ensure world peace. The project that was ratified at that time remains the international financial structure in place today. It is easy to grasp now the importance of this month’s meeting that celebrates the 75th anniversary of the historic forum.

On July 2019, experts from a variety of fields will gather in Bretton Woods to embark on another historical mission: study the original frameworks created in 1944 and their application in the present day international scenario. Diverse perspectives on data and solutions will meet classic and emerging theories on technology, sustainability, collaboration & more.

Moeda is honored to receive such important invitation and has selected our CEO, Taynaah Reis, to participate in this panel of experts. Ms. Reis will share her knowledge on how to couple finance with Blockchain technology, her lessons learned on Impact Investments, and her vision on how to move forward towards achieving the goals set by Agenda 2030.

BrettonWoods75 will be a unique and unprecedented opportunity to showcase the importance of economic international cooperation as a way of meeting the needs of all peoples. The principle of collaboration, exchange of information, and creation of partnerships with various sectors are vital issues that Moeda promotes in everything it does. This is going to be an invaluable and pertinent experience. Rest assured, we will share the lessons we learn during this memorable trip.

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