Moeda Selected Seed — Daring Women

John Chiarella
Moeda Seeds
Published in
1 min readJan 15, 2018

Nothing in agroindustry is easy, let alone running your own tropical fruit pulp company. But don’t tell that to the 22 women that are the co-owners or workers for the second project of Moeda’s Pilot Seed Program, the aptly named Daring Women. These women aim not only to produce their own locally-produced frozen treats, but also sell them in the local market themselves. Moeda’s will be providing an estimated USD $103,000.00 loan to Daring Women so they could purchase and build the facilities to store their frozen pulps in the warm climate of Formosa. This project helps to end hunger, provide good health and well-being, promote economic growth, and build better partnerships in the community, which are all UN sustainable development goals. Much more to come from Moeda, and for more information about Daring Women, check the following:

Moeda Selected seed project — Daring Women

