Moeda Selected Seed — Wisdom and Flavors of Cerrado

John Chiarella
Moeda Seeds
Published in
1 min readJan 19, 2018

Moeda’s fifth project of its Pilot Seed Program, Wisdom and Flavours of Cerrado, is by far the most massive one to date! Since it is located in an urban setting, Brasília in fact, the beneficiaries are not hundreds, not one thousand, but over 2,350 people! WFC plans to produce baked goods using fruits directly from Cerrado, Brazil’s vast tropical savanna, particularly Pequi fruit and its by-products. In order to account for the logistics of such an operation, WFC will be provided 46,440 USD worth of Moeda microloans. The sustainable development goals present in this project including ending poverty, providing gender equality along with decent work opportunities, reducing inequality, building sustainable cities and communities, and responsibly consuming and producing. For more, check the following:

Moeda selected seed project — Wisdom and Flavours of Cerrado

