Moeda | Weekly Ship 22/07 a 28/07

Taynaah Reis
Moeda Seeds
Published in
2 min readJul 26, 2019

Moeda Seeds Projects updates

The team responsible for Sustainable Projects and Businesses worked on the document and on the financial and technical analysis of the the Seed Project Sustainable Coffee last week. They added some new information and goals about the process and the commercialization costs of the 5 O’Coffee — the Cold Brew coffee which is co-produced with Moeda. This updated material will help us to finish the feasibility study for new releases during this Seed Project and also prepare them to be available at Moeda Marketplace.

The team have also concluded the workflow for Moeda Programs — this is an important step towards developing better team planning strategies.

On July 17, the technical team — along with Moeda’s CEO — had a meeting to discuss a partnership with the National Association of Waste Pickers of Recycables (ANCAT). Its goal was to discuss the implementation of digital accounts in 10 cooperatives that belong to ANCAT’s network and also the terms of a financing agreement.

Moreover, they have also made some progress on a tool that simulates nanocredit provisions and they have also carried out a Financial and Economic Feasibility Study for some socio-productive Projects, making the entire experience more user-friendly.

Finally, the team attended a meeting with the network that supports the Rural Women — Women with Rights — campaign at the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture office. The purpose was to design a Plan of Action for the July-December period. For more information, please read the document about REAF’s campaign that was launched on the International Women’s Day — March the 8th.

Moeda News

Our CEO participated this week in a historic event in the United States: the 75th Year Anniversary of the Historic Bretton Woods Conference. Learn more about this rather important meeting by reading this Medium article.

Keep on top of everything Moeda done to humanize finances and distribute impact. Follow our social networks.



