MOEDA Weekly Ship

1–6, January 2018

David Shi
Moeda Seeds
3 min readJan 8, 2018



  • Moeda on Shareable Moeda was featured on Shareable as a pioneer in advancing financial inclusion. Shareable is an award-winning nonprofit news, action and connection hub, which includes movements emerging from the grassroots-up to solve today’s biggest challenges, which older, top-down institutions are failing to address. Link to the article:
  • 18 Seed Pilot Projects Announced Moeda announced winners of Seed Pilots Projects jointly with Unicafes on December 18, 2017 in Brazil. Up to $1.5M USD will be lended to 18 entrepreneurial projects in rural Brazil. The projects vary in scope, size and focus, but each address one or more components of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals program. Loans range in size from $6,000 USD to $520,000 USD, and will be used for the building of food processing facilities and equipment, solar panels, vehicles, refrigerated transportation, and working capital. The interest rates on Moeda’s 18 loans range from 1% to 6%. An estimated 4,400 Brazilians will directly benefit from the this funding.
  • MDA daily trading volume reached $13 million
  • Moeda Twitter follower reached 10k


  • TA & Onboarding The BR team updated the Seed Pilot Program implementation schedule and will present to Unicafes on Jan 9th. And we are continuing to recruit, interview, and select business plan TA advisors.
  • Risk Assessment & Impact Reporting Tool We refined eConsult’s Seed Project Feasibility Assessment, and Brazilian team will meet them next week to prepare to begin assessments the following week. We also continued the work on draft data map of assessment and reporting metrics aligned to global reporting standards (IRIS, GRI, and SDGs).
  • Mobile Application Detailed plans and began users stories for updated technical MVP, focused on Seed Project reporting and data capture by borrowers, and project tracking by MDA investors, in preparation of a Sprint 4 kickoff next week.
  • UX Research Researcher Marcio began synthesizing the data from his December research mission into additional user profiles, journey maps, and transcribed videos to inform product development.

Next Week for Product

  • Prepare to initiate Sprint 4, focused on Seed Project reporting and data capture by borrowers, and project tracking by MDA investors.
  • Product development workshop with Marcio.
  • Meet with data scientist to discuss indicators for credit risk model.
  • Launch new sprint-based process around Discovery work.


  • Sicredi We have initiated partnership conversation with Sicredi, one of the largest cooperative financial institutions in Brazil. It is made by people and for people, and now has over 3,6 million members and a comprehensive portfolio of banking products and services.
  • WOCCU We began drafting a Term of Reference (TOR) for partnership with the World Council of Credit Unions. Based on discussions, WOCCU would support the Brazilian team in designing a framework for creating financial products for borrowers.

Upcoming Events/Conferences

  • CEO Speaking at World Economic Forum in Davos (22 January 2018) CEO Taynaah Reis will attend the World Economic Forum next January in Davos and speak on the panel Women Entrepreneurs in Technology.
  • CEO and Chief Ambassador at blockchain event CryptoHQ in Davos (23–26 January 2018) CEO Taynaah Reis and Chief Ambassador Ari Eisenstat will be speaking at the blockchain and social impact panel, and Taynaah will concentrate on gender equality and women in blockchain. For more details, please see the event link (
  • Chief Ambassador on panel at Duke University’s SBSI Conference (7 February 2018) Chief Ambassador Ari Eisenstat will be on the “Blockchain for Impact” panel at the Sustainable Business and Social Impact conference which will take place at Duke’s Fuqua School of Business.

