Moeda Weekly Ship | August 5 -11

Taynaah Reis
Moeda Seeds
Published in
4 min readAug 8, 2019

Web Progress

Last week, the Web team focused on making some corrections to Moeda’s site. They fixed some minor bugs and made some adjustments to the “My Contributions” section and to the date selection component in the signup process for both private and business accounts. They also finished translating some Chinese sentences and also fixed the currency exchange tool ​​in the investment area.

What’s more, they’ve made some improvements to the Back Office related to the business account area. The team also worked in the development environment in order to use new virtual machines in some of the micro services.

This week’s goals involve fixing some bugs in the Moeda Seeds App and making some improvements to the business account signup process.

Blockchain Progress

Blockchain’s team analyzed the pros and cons of some particular environments for the development of the Moeda Loyalty Program. At the moment, the ideal approach would be to have something more flexible that allows the system to be scalable and easily replicated. Therefore, it was decided to migrate the development of this new service to a Hyperledger-based environment.

They also focused on working on the step-by-step user registration process inside Moeda’s ecosystem. The team began adding and adapting various account and signup options. The purpose is to link each one of them to the documents, features, and approval steps (in the Backend, Frontend, and Back Office fields) so that the process can be easily triggered from the stability of the infrastructure that is currently in the production phase.

At the same time, some adjustments were made so that the micro-services, new releases and other new features that will be used from time to time inside Moeda’s platform can interact harmoniously.

Next tasks involve concluding the design of the Moeda Loyalty Program inside Hyperledger, moving forward with the Moeda Marketplace Logistics Integration API and keeping on making some adjustments to Moeda’s platform.

Seed Projects Progress

Moeda’s Board of Directors for Sustainable Projects and Businesses held a meeting about the Seed Projects qualitative information and to also start working on the items related to financing and investment structuring.

The team presented a draft paper on Fintechs, establishing a relationship between the types of services they offer and the rates they practice. The objective is to conduct a thorough comparative study, especially with regard to digital and nano accounts and microcredit in Brazil so that Moeda can offer the best experience at the best rates.

The document was presented internally and it produced some findings such as that Moeda is the only one among the evaluated Fintechs that offers multiple convergent actions such as credit, digital account, technical advice, business acceleration, Moeda Pay etc. Most Fintechs focus on only one or two services while our approach is much broader and more cohesive.

The team also worked on the categorization of products that will be available on Moeda Marketplace, and on a document that will set the conditions for products to be sold there.

Three partnerships were formed last week: with the communication channels Tribuna Rural, Gestão Cooperativa magazine and Canal Cooperativo. Moeda will support these media outlets by providing information on Impact Investment, Sustainable Development Goals, Seed Projects, innovation, Moeda Marketplace and others.

Still regarding partnerships, some agreements are being reached with Community Banks and Revolving Funds. The idea is that partners can use the Moeda’s structure when it comes to digital accounts.

Our plan for this week it to go deeper into the study about Moeda Marketplace and Investment and finalize a commercial proposal for a partnership with ADS.

Latest news: you can now download our stickers inside Telegram:

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