MOEDA Weekly Ship

26 November — 2 December, 2017

Moeda Seeds
4 min readDec 4, 2017


This week we will be focusing on introducing our AMAZING product team! They have been working non-stopped to get an informed and realistic product plan, design the MVP, do research and interviews in rural areas in Brazil, partner up with technology and cooperative leaders, and make sure Moeda gets the best ever product that can be easily used by our target users.

Also we are opening Ambassador for MDA program and we welcome you join us and help Moeda grow stronger.

More partnerships and marketing plans will be coming out in the following Weekly Ships.


  • CEO Taynaah attended Blockchain 4 SDGs Workshop in Amsterdam (1 December 2017) Blockchain 4 SDGs Workshop was organized by University of Groningen, a leading research university in the Netherlands with over 400 years history. CEO Taynaah Reis gave a lightning talk at the event and discussed the preliminary plan to partner with the University of Groningen.
CEO Taynaah Reis speaking at Blockchain 4 SDGs Workshop
  • Unfortunately, meeting with the Queen of the Netherlands was cancelled due to conflict schedule of the Queen.


Technical MVP

  • The product team spent time getting clear on what an informed, and realistic product strategy will be for the complex ecosystem that is Moeda. The team created a clear articulation of the key assumptions/features of Moeda’s product as they’ve evolved over the past month, and defined how they will be testing those through the technical MVP and the seed loan pilots, and the rationale behind testing them in the different ways.

Product Team Member Profile

Brad Chun

Co-Founder, CTO Brad co-founded Moeda under the principle that blockchain technology is the key to sustainability practices worldwide. He is an expert in the field of blockchain, is the founder of Shuttle Holdings, a hedge fund that invests in the blockchain ecosystem with over 1000% YTD return, and was the winner of 2017 UN SDG Blockchain Hackathon. Brad studies in Pace University, Stanford Universities and Harvard Extension School.

Athena Diaconis

Co-founder, Product Lead A social science researcher by training, she is passionate about using innovative solutions to address human needs and has overseen various projects in that aim, from Undercurrent to Median, LLC. Athena has received a B.S. in Policy Analysis and Management at Cornell University.

Brent Dixon

Product Lead Brent is a Co-founder of Trabian, a design and rapid prototyping studio that builds human-centered, values-based financial technology. Curious Prototyper at the United Nations. Adviser to the Filene Research Institute, a consumer financial think tank. Designer, Curator, and Mentor with TEDxAustin & TEDxYouth@Austin. Teaching Fellow with Singularity University’s GSP12. He also advises Greece Communitere and Communitere International that assist responses to humanitarian crises. Brent has received his Masters at the University of Texas in Disciplinary Design.

Arjun Raman

Product Manager, Global Former technology consultant at UBS and Accenture, Arjun works to help tech companies innovate new solutions and commercialize them. Arjun studied in Bucknell College and M.I.T.

Giovanni Giazzon

Product Manager, Brazil He is a management, technology and innovation professional, specializing in IT, marketing, government, NGOs, and telecoms. Giovanni has degrees from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná and the Victoria University of Wellington.

Marcio Oliveira Silva

UX Research A behavioral biologist, he works to gain greater understanding of the human experience and develop new technologies accordingly, including retail, finance, health, M2M, entertainment, and R&D. Brent has degrees from the Universidade de Brasília and the New School.

Trabian Technology

Front End Development Trabian Technology is a web development firm that builds advanced, browser-driven content management systems and designs websites for clients and client agencies. For over a decade Trabian has co-created more than 100 digital financial products with over 70 clients including Unions world wide. They will provide Mobile Development service to Moeda.


Back End and Blockchain Development Mooti is a fintech company building Digital Identity Platform based on strong cryptography and blockchain technologies. The Mooti product is on Microsoft Marketplace and they have a group of world-class blockchain developers, including core team members at Monero project. Mooti will provide Back End and Blockchain Development service to Moeda and Mooti digital identity will be integrated to Moeda.


UX/UI Design Milkshake is Moeda’s partner in its website and mobile app design. Founded in 2014, it is based in Brooklyn, New York, and has specialties in user experience, branding, product design, mobile app design, and experience design, among others.

Something Special

for the Community

scan QR code and apply to be MDA ambassador right now

