Moeda Weekly Ship May 20–27

Taynaah Reis
Moeda Seeds
Published in
4 min readMay 23, 2019

1. Moeda Web Progress

The Web team is working on the Home and Product areas of the mobile version of the new Moeda Marketplace. They are also scanning for bugs and updating content related to the sustainable products that will be in our window display when the online store will be launched.

2. Moeda Blockchain Progress

The Blockchain team is also working on the Marketplace, carrying out improvements to the process of buying MDA, our digital currency. It will be available for online purchase on the Marketplace — credit card and PayPal will be the payment options.

In addition, a number of changes are being made to the Moeda Wallet, mainly to round out the standard of the micro-services’ infrastructure.

Next, the professionals will take care of the Moeda Wallet integration into the Binance Blockchain Network.

3. Moeda App Progress

Meanwhile, our team is working on the integration of the Moeda Seeds App with the features of the Moeda Wallet to offer more possibilities to the mobile version. Some bugs have been fixed and the team is improving the user’s experience when navigating some screens.

We are finalizing the implementation of some currency conversion options to make the conversion of MDA to MDABRL simpler.

We are also finalizing the system that will inform the user about the approval status of their registration at Moeda’s platform and about the future steps of the process.

During the week, the team will gather feedback on the applications and look at possible improvements that can be made based on the suggestions received.

4. Seed Projects Progress

Part of Moeda’s Projects and Sustainable Businesses team was in Franca (SP, Brazil) with COMAM (Municipal Consortium of the Mogiana Region) to help define the profile of the organizations that will receive 29 irrigation kits. These kits will serve as demonstration units and will provide the basis for further microcredit operation analysis that will expand the number of units to be installed in the region.

In Brasilia, the REAF (Specialized Meeting on Family Farming of MERCOSUR) discussed topics such as gender, youth, access to land, commercialization, cooperativism, short chains and value-adding factors. During the meeting, Moeda was asked to create a presentation to showcase some actions it has carried out so far and that will be presented in the next meeting with this organization.

The team is also in contact with the State of Goiás to talk about the Emancipar (“Emancipate”) Program. The program seeks to create a fund that will provide credit and microcredit to local cooperatives and associations.

Moeda’s contributions to this partnership involve the creation of partnerships to train technical teams, design a program’s management system, develop technology and management tools, and provide specialized advice about production and sales.

Every week there will be a new Moeda Weekly Ship. We are fully committed to be totally transparent by sharing what happens at Moeda. See you next week.

