Moeda Weekly Ship | September 9–15

Taynaah Reis
Moeda Seeds
Published in
4 min readSep 14, 2019

Technology Progress

The technology team is currently working on the Moeda Seeds App. They have completed the users’ personal information KYC screens and the address info page.

They have also completed the Documents Upload Page — where the user has to choose between the national ID or the driver license document to be uploaded — and the Selfie Upload page — where the user has to send a Selfie holding a personal document to be analyzed.

As a result of these completed tasks, all Frontend screens are now ready. The next step is to move forward with some Backend work and run some integration tests.

Meanwhile, the team is working on the Moeda Marketplace payment system. After adapting the recommended Moeda Pay features, the service is currently being integrated onto Moeda’s sustainable e-commerce platform.

Blockchain Progress

Our team worked on the Moeda Marketplace payment splits. They have re-written the entire database infrastructure. Now, all purchases are saved together — whereas before they were sorted by product. As a result, they can be now identified by different marketplaces and can be read directly in the Backoffice.

On top of that, requests are now filed containing more details about the respective amounts in the “fiat” currency for each product and for total purchases. Each product is connected to its respective Seed Project in order to link each purchase to multiple splits, products and projects.

The Wallet MicroserviceThe GraphQL queries and mutation were basically completely rewritten — they are now more organized and in a better standard.

Since the whole structure was changed to fit the new split model, be more robust and easy to receive more features, it will be now required to reset the ledger and create a script to repopulate the database.

What’s more, our team has managed to integrate the APIs of our shipping partners onto Moeda Marketplace.

Next steps involve updating Moeda Marketplace including the split system, APIs and Improvements, working on Moeda’s platform bug corrections and continuous improvements, publishing Moeda Seeds App KYC, and moving forward with recent demands.

Progress on Seed Projects

In order to celebrate the Amazon Day on September the 5th, Moeda launched a different Seed Project: an action carried out in partnership with Green Cross Brasil to receive donations towards short and long term actions for the Amazon rainforest.

The Seed Project Amazon Belt is now open to those who feel like helping to contain the fires, support local communities with emergency actions, and support the creation of sustainability measures proposed by private and governmental entities. Learn more about this important release and visit our website to help now.

The Seed Projects team participated in the Meeting of the People from Cerrado (Brazilian savannah) with companies, Embrapa (The Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation), CONAB (National Food Supply Company), extractivists and supporting entities, among other players.

Moeda News

Moeda has entered into partnership with Mastercard for the development of Moeda Mastercard. Very soon, we will have on our website all the details related to this product.

The latest version of Moeda Whitepaper is launched. Read it first hand.

The Communications team attended a meeting about the Sustainable Development Goals at the BNDES/IPEA.

Keep on top of everything that Moeda does to humanize finances and distribute impact. Follow our social networks.



