Weekly Ship | August 27 to September 4

Action with Influencers

Taynaah Reis
Moeda Seeds
7 min readSep 11, 2020


We have recently done a marketing action in Brazil which involved sending our Baru Beer* kit to influencers and inviting them to create their account with us. The activity produced some positive results and we would like to share some of the Instagram stories that were posted. If you would like to have real-time access to our posts, follow our Instagram profile to stay tuned ❤

About the Baru Beer:

The Baru Beer has a compelling story behind it and it is the result of the first seed project developed by Moeda.
One of the great partners of this project is Cooperval Cooperative, located in Formosa — Brazil, which supplies the Baru nut (a native Brazilian chestnut from the cerrado region). We also rely on the wide experience of Dádiva Brewery Company.

When buying a Baru Beer, 20% of the sales amount goes directly to the cooperative that supplies the nut, and 60% of the sales amount goes back to the project to fund next beer productions, operational costs, and sales and marketing efforts. Therefore, 80% of the sales amount goes back directly to the people involved, making an enormous impact on the lives of these communities.

“Society in transformation — Climate Change” Event.

Our CEO Taynaah Reis was invited to the event: “Society in transformation — Climate Change”. The purpose of this meeting is to encourage reflections that can increase society’s participation.

Something in the invitation letter caught our attention and the entire Moeda team is very proud to realize that many people are following our history,
hearing about what we have to say, and getting to know more about the path we have been treading:

“Your actions inspire us because of its innovative nature. The humanization of finances, giving it purpose and bringing it closer to the most deprived population, is a topic that attracts a lot of interest and deserves widespread and positive publicity” \ Silvana Cury

Two other important young leaders from Brazil will join our CEO during this event:

Marina Helou: São Paulo State Deputy since 2018. She is a public administrator specialized in business and sustainability and a political coordinator for greater participation of women and young people in the legislative power. She worked for eight years at Natura, with a focus on human development. She created the diversity area there and founded the Business Network for Social Inclusion in the company.

Paloma Costa Oliveira, BA in Law, Coordinator of Engajamundo and Advisor at ISA Socio-environmental Institute, recently appointed as one of the 7 Advisors of the UN Youth Advisory Group on Climate Change.

The event will happen on:

September 12, 2020 — Saturday @5 pm (São Paulo Time)

on Palas Athena’s YouTube channel:

More information here.

Amazon Day and International Indigenous Women’s Day

September the 5th was a very important day since we celebrated both Amazon Day and International Indigenous Women’s Day. It is a remarkably important date for everyone who shares the same values as Moeda’s.

Today, we would like to invite you to pause and reflect for a moment on what kind of contribution you have made to our forest and to the many indigenous female warriors who fight for their survival and to also protect this unique biome.

We take this opportunity to share with you that Indigenous Women’s Day was created in 1983 to imprint on our collective memory a situation of confrontation and struggle — struggle for survival.

The name of the indigenous female warrior who inspired the ephemeris is Aymara Indian Bartolina Sisa, who together with her husband Túpac Katari — of the same ethnic group — led in 1781 a rebellion against the Spanish conquerors and dominators in Alto Peru — nowadays the region of Bolivia.

Interview with the Bom Viver project partners

Moeda’s Communication and Project teams have recently interviewed the partners of the Bom Viver Project, which is one of the projects that we support and that we have already talked about here.

This project coordinates low-cost housing renovation works for the people of Bom Jardim neighborhood. Moeda provides access to microcredit for these clients.

This week we received some photos “AFTER” a room in the house of Darlúcia was renovated and we are happy to share them with you — not only because of the dramatic difference in the property’s aesthetics but mainly because of the enormous improvement in health conditions and welfare of this family.

We were honored to hear Ton’s testimonial — Bom Viver’s partner — during his interview:

“I really like the moment we met. I think the way the conversation happens between Bom Viver and Moeda is something truly compassionate. We have a special affection for Moeda. You were the first institution that opened the door for us by providing credit so we could test our business model. But that’s not only that: also because of the type of business you have and all the narrative you construct. I’m speaking for myself and on behalf of the company: we intend to model a continuous partnership from now on and expand it even more. I believe that we have a lot in common and time will tell that.




We have already posted before the community rules on our Telegram channel but it is always good to remember and update everyone so that new #MoedaSeeders are fully aware of them.

We would like to ask you to invite your friends to join our group and learn more about the work we do.

Welcome to Moeda’s Telegram Channel in English

Moeda Seed is a financial service and technology ecosystem made to promote the development and social impact with a disruptive portfolio comprised of five solutions: MoedaPay, MoedaAcademy, MoedaMarket, MoedaAcelera, and MoedaESGLabs.
Since its foundation in 2017, the company has been using blockchain technology and has focused on Brazil’s unbanked and underbanked population — people who need payment solutions coupled with services, safety, and affordable costs in their daily lives.
The decentralized technologies offered by Moeda Seed strengthen the promotion of social, economic, and sustainable development for consumers, producers, and organizations that are located in rural or urban communities
Moeda. Virtual seeds, real impact!

https://medium.com/moeda(link Medium)

About Moeda’s tokens: http://bit.ly/2ESi9KD

Create now your Moeda account at moedaseeds.com

Telegram’s community rules

This channel is a meeting point of people who are interested in our ecosystem, our impact investments, and the tokens we use in our Blockchain-based platform. In order to foster a constructive environment, we kindly ask you to follow the rules of conduct below. The Admins reserve the right to remove from this group any member who violates the following rules:

Please respect all members: avoid using aggressive language and unpleasant manners
For your own safety do not share any personal data, passwords, documents, telephone numbers, or emails on this channel
You mustn’t use this channel to share pornography or any other content that is prohibited by Telegram
Do not share promo links, spam, or phishing
Do not encourage financial speculations
Always remember: Moeda and its admins never send ETH / BTC / USDT and we never request for information like the address of your private wallet.

If you have any questions or doubts about the content you would like to post, please send a private message to one of our admins. Thank you and let’s have some pleasant and interesting conversations.

Moeda. Humanizing finances. Distributing impact.
Welcome to the English Moeda channel on Telegram.

Keep on top of everything that Moeda does to humanize finances and distribute impact. Follow our social networks.

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